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ROGD Awareness Day

ROGD stands for Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria: the confused, confusing, and harmful social contagion which was first described by researcher Dr. Lisa Littman, then at Brown University.

These young people did not show any significant discomfort about their sex/gender while young, but after exposure to current gender ideologies online and/or via friend groups, they conclude that they are something other than the sex that everyone can see that they actually are. It is more common among girls and young women, but has swept up plenty of boys and young men as well.

Here is a new discussion by members of Genspect:

Spread the word: the great majority of kids, teens, and young adults now claiming to be “trans” seem not to have been born that way, but are obviously (as shown by the statistics and observable patterns) caught up in a destructive social movement. Psychologists have compared this social phenomenon to bulimia, and even to the much less harmful “goth” culture. They also observe that many of these people have other psychological difficulties, which they often self-diagnose as being due to their not realizing that they are “trans.”

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