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Will you listen to others?

“If you would just _____ you would finally be happy.”

How easy it is to buy into such promises. If only life were that simple!

For many reasons, many people wish they could be the other sex. In past times, it was obvious that no one can ever actually change their sex. But now, the great delusion beckons, saying, “You can switch!”

Surgery is always a very serious matter, something the young often don’t understand. But a basic piece of wise advice is this. If you’re thinking about getting a specific surgery, get the stats. What are the common complications, and how likely are they? Short of that, talk to as many people as you can who have had that specific surgery. Are they happy customers, or do they bitterly regret it? Surely, you don’t know so much that you can safely ignore them!

This is what David AKA Alphabet Man on Twitter did, when tempted to get a surgery needed to make him a “transwoman.” Click the link to read the whole tweet thread.


David dodged a bullet. Will you? Or will you catch it hard? (Like this poor bloke. His testimony re: “bottom surgery” is here.)

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